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That Be Frankie Dawson

Frankie Dawson

To my fellow veterans,

Here’s wishing you a very blessed month of May I went on the internet and saw there are so many celebrations going on in May, it would make your head spin.

This day May 25-31 (floating Monday, Federal Holiday) honors U.S. military personnel who have fought and died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. There will be parades with marching bands and an overall military theme, and the day marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season. The holiday is observed on the last Monday in May. It’s a Federal Holiday so banks and some businesses will be closed. Please, don’t say, “Happy Memorial Day” It’s painful…

How about, “God bless our veterans.” Or “We honor your service and sacrifice.

Memorial Day

May 29,2023

Speaking of banks, I know you know we are living in the last days, right? I admonish you to personally know Jesus. Why? So you can distinguish your voice from His. This is the time to get real close to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The devilmis busy making your life and mine miserable. As soon as you figure things are going ton get better; something elsenpop up. The solution…

get in the WORD, The BIBLE. Reading the Word of God is calming and satisfying.

Back to what I was saying. Chase bank is and has been taking money out off my account and won’t put it back. I went to the branch office and told them I wanted to press charges against Chase. They run me off by saying I needed to talk to a manager who is never available. I have asked Chase to be civil and return the money, they want me to prove it.

This is what I’m going to do.

I now have officially turned this over to my Father, God, in the Name of His Son, Jesus Christ.

Psalm 118:5 MSG Pushed to the wall, I called to GOD; from the wide open spaces, he answered. God’s now at my side and I’m not afraid; who would dare lay a hand on me?

So Chase, all you merchants, veterans and so called professionals studying my every move. Following me to every restaurant, every place of business…'sic em Lord….

Who do you think you are, Frankie?

I’m His child… He told me,

Isaiah 46:8-11 I am God, this only God you’ve had or ever will have—

Incomparable, irreplaceable—

From the very beginning telling you, what the ending will be,

All along letting you kin on what is going to happen,

Assuring you, “I’m in this for the long haul, I’ll do exactly what I set out to do’

…I’ve said it, and I’ll most certainly do it. I’ve planned it, so it’s as good as done.

So WHAT’S HE, (Frankie’s God) GOING TO DO?

Isaiah 40:6-8 MSG God’s Word stands firm and forever.
9-11 He is going to pay back his enemies and reward those who have loved him. (And that be me!)

Jeremiah 39:15-18 MSG ‘God-of-the-Angel-Armies, the God of Israel, says,

Listen carefully: I will do exactly what I said I would do to this city (nation) bad news, not good news. When it happens, you will be there to see it.

But I’ll deliver you on the doomsday. (Rapture)

You won’t be handed over to those men whom you have good reason to fear. Yes, I’ll most certainly save you. You won/t be killed.

You’ll walk out off there safe and sound because you trusted me’” God’s Decree.

You had better get right!!!Purchase a Message Bible. Accept Jesus as your personal savior. You were saved once, come back to Him!

Don’t forget Mother’s Day… Sunday, May 14, 2023...

Frankie Dawson

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