"Hey, that hurts!" I flinched while standing at the machine for a breast exam at the VA Hospital in Dallas, Texas. My naked breast lay on this cold blue plate while the examiner took my breast (one at a time) like clay in her hands, forced the pliable clay between two plates and tightened my breasts like you do when you flatten sausage before frying. And that's just what it felt like.
"Is this suppose to burn?"
The black female lab technician pretended not to hear me, while she was operating the machine that controlled radiation for early detection of cancer, I had on a hospital cotton robe that was to cover the other breast, but that didn't protect me from the cold chill in the room. I knew it wasn't time for a breast exam as I had one ealier in the year, but you know VA. Why am I in here way before a breast exam scheduled?
" I got to do this." She went to the door, looked both ways, and came back over to where I was standing. My breast still in that ungodly machine grip.
"I've got to tell you something."she said as she approached me.
She stared at me a long time, eyes searching, fearing, pitying...I didn't know what her intentions were. You got to be careful in this VA hospital, any VA hospital. They have their own network going on.
She was shorter that I was, dark skinned. Hair was pressed meaning she was in my age group not ready to embrace the cornrows or maybe she already experienced the cornrow drama but decided to go back to the old way because of raw edges and bald spots.
"Listen, we know what's going down. We have to do what we're told. I'm telling you this woman to woman. We're going to find something wrong; you're going to have to come back in for another examination...you're going to be diagnosed...they got ways of taking you down. I don't know you from Adam, really could care less. I have a family, I need this job...you're black ass won't send me to hell! If you say anything I'll deny it!"
I said nothing. I kinda figured it anyway. When you have the gift of discernment; people can't hide their motives, even when they stand behind you, I mean, physically stand behind you. They do that a lot here at the VA
A few days passed; I get another phone call.
"Is this Ms. Dawson...did you get a call from the doctor?" she said, with a black ghetto drawl.
"You gone have ta come back up here and do the test again!"
"What test?"
"De breast test. You gone get a call from yo primary doctor Dr. Hague, she gone tell you to come back in and we gone do da test again! No, I mean she gone tell you to come back in so's we can do it again. It don't look right."
I start to question her,
"Isn't the doctor supposed to call me? Who are you? Has she seen the test results?"
"Don't matter who I am. You just expect a call from her." said the mysterious black female voice.
I was already warned by sister, girl...and so within 30 minutes the doctor called.
She was a little hesitant like she was not knowing or afraid of what was going on.
My doctor is a Moslem lady. Somewhat shy...I witness to her all the time about Jesus, maybe, just maybe, the Christians she's been around don't reflect the Jesus I tell her about. I hope she accepts Jesus. They send in other female Moslem doctors that pose as Dr Hague. They never have eye contact with me. I know they are not her. I just go along with the program. They have strategically placed men in the women's area, too. Come on VA...I'm only one woman.
But then again, it has got to be the Son in me. I follow the Light; I don't walk in darkness!
You see, veterans, and non-veterans, you are used to trying to push each other over the edge; out of frustration. It's so sad...
But there is hope!
Lord, remove Satan's seat from the military in the USA. The Sun of Righteousness has arisen with healing in His wings, and in His power I will trample the wicked, and they shall be ashes under the soles of my feet. You have enlarged my path under me, so my feet will not slip; my enemies have fallen under my feet.
Daily Declarations for Spiritual Warfare by John Edkhardt p.85
I get several warnings to come in for a much needed exam! Thank you soul sisters for the warning; we got to stick together!
Whoa, Black Betty, bam-ba-lam!
Romans 4:17 (look it up)
Frankie Dawson