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It was the Year Elvis Presley Died (August 16,1977) by Frankie Dawson

Frankie Dawson

Yep, the car radio was blaring with news of Elvis Presley's untimely death. We were on our way to Atlanta, Georgia for a "Hair and Beauty Contest" Lady "G" was a famous beautician in Arkansas. She was short, black, even featured and a proud lady. Many times you would look up on the hill and see the parking lot crowded with Cadillacs, important black women of the community. getting their "hair did". There were other beauticians there but Lady G stood out; she had to. She owned the place.

So when we get to the city, in Atlanta, Georgia; I roomed with Lady G. I asked her if she knew Jesus as her personal savior. She said yes; even though she killed herself a few years later by carbon monoxide poisoning.

What makes this story so different?

We had a meeting with another big, although short, black woman. She was so rich that she had a "white man" as her assistant in the meeting. All these black women were skinning and grinning, they hadn't been that close to a white man before. Sad, black women...wanting to be accepted and will do whatever they can to be close to a white man!

In the meeting there was an obvious homosexual; he sat right in the middle of the couch. The woman hosting the meeting was very uncomfortable with his presence. What could she do?

Now remember I got out of the USAF in 1971; I was still being stalked and didn't know it!

When the hostess departed the hotel room, everyone got up to see where she was going. This homosexual grabs my arm, spins me around and said, I got a place to show you. I said, "no thanks"

He tightened the grip on my arm and here I was in a "gay club".

It was very dark in there; he pulled me onto the dance floor; this jealous homosexual hit me several times on the ankle. Then the homosexual I'm dancing with whirls me around. The jealous homosexual starts to act like a woman lunging toward me.

You'd better know I ran out of there...there were white homosexuals in there, too. They do a good job of staying hidden; but they control the black ones. I always wondered what makes people prefer lighter skin, the white male, I truly believe it's a form of worship.

Listen, there are a bunch of Niggars that are in the military; they have worshiped the military by staying in. They don't have to find jobs, the military gives them houses, food, they are being taken care of like dogs. They are owned by, white man. I always wondered why darker skin? Now these Niggars have white pussey, so they don't have to be bothered with Niggar things! I got it made. Now these Niggars are separate from the "white gods".

Have you noticed there are younger white males paired up with other white males?

Listen, there are a bunch of Niggars that are in the military; they have worshiped the military by staying in. They don't have to find jobs, the military gives them houses, food, they are being taken care of like dogs. They are owned by, the white man. I always wondered why darker skin Niggars were so mean! Now, these same Niggars have white pussey, (glory) so they don't have to be bothered with Niggar things! "I got it made. Says my right brother? Wrong!


Homosexuals and lesbians are merciless in the military and I never knew why. Why did you not come to my rescue when I was being raped and assaulted by your superiors? It was as if I was the sacrificial offering! The military wanted to KILL ME, no they wanted to prolong my suffering. Why? Free black pussy No punishment, experimental time.

Now get this, Niggars that flock around me as if I'm a hero or something...I know that's not true. I think it's a sign I have won. It is hard being a victim, but the word says

Psalms 10:14 “But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.” He is my protector...

The last time I told about the mistreatment of "whites at the Veteran's Hospital on Lancaster, TX; they got all the white men out of there fast! They protect their own. You had better know HIM! Return to Jesus. Gone are the "white gods that will fix things." I am telling you, you had better know Jesus

In the Name of Jesus; I pray for curses to reverse upon those who defy the living God. I pray for their strategies to be exposed and destroyed.

I attack witchcraft's escalation. I stop it! I go to WAR in the spirit world, I have authority, power. I have God's protection...Angel armies...not the little fat babies. But angels, messengers. I do not worship Angels. Any message the Lord sends me is in HIS WORD so I don't have to look for a big old spirit being! It's in HIs Word!!!

The Lord says I am victorious,

I can only believe

I will not be the party to any one group....they are all vying for my affection. Jesus is my Lord. I expect all blessing from HIM.

I am Righteous because of HIM. Do you know how I will be delivered? I'm already delivered by the blood of Jesus. I sprinkle the blood of Jesus & receive multiplied grace & peace 1 Peter 1:2. I receive abundance and prosperity through the blood of Jesus.

I rebuke and cast out all spirits of slander & accusation through the blood of Jesus Mat. 12:10

I am still a Veteran, all my privileges were denied. That does not change things. For all the women and men that could not talk, nor write. Justice is here!

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